Vinyl Siding: An Increase or Decrease in Home Value?

In terms of home remodels, vinyl siding is something that a lot of homeowners consider. Given its lower cost, there are a lot of homeowners on the fence, unsure of whether it adds value or subtracts from the value of the home. Will vinyl siding help add to your home’s curb appeal or will it make it look cheaper than before? This is what you need to know about vinyl siding.

Your Home’s Age

In some cases, vinyl siding can make your home look like it has less value. For instance, if you own a Victorian home, then you can completely destroy its elegance with vinyl siding. It simply won’t look like it fits. When homes are older and have an originality that you cannot duplicate with newer siding, then you don’t want to choose vinyl. However, with more modern homes that have dirty, worn down siding, the vinyl can increase the curb appeal and value.

Your Neighborhood

Look at the other homes in your neighborhood. What kind of siding is common? If all the homes in your area have wood siding, then your home may stand out as different and hence it might lower the value. However, if most homes in your area have vinyl siding, then changing to vinyl siding will add curb appeal. In most neighborhoods, it is important to blend in with the other homes. Newer homes with vinyl siding have more value when paired with similar homes in one neighborhood.

The truth is that vinyl siding could decrease or increase the value of a home. It all depends on your neighborhood, the age of the home and the material of the original siding. Most of the time, you can expect to increase your value. If you choose insulated siding, then you may even decrease the cost of your utility bill every month. When considering the value of your home, insulation and energy efficiency are important.